Air Force Special Warfare Transition Assistance Program
Your mission is now to focus on yourself and a successful ETS/Retirement.
If you are 24-18 months out from your ETS/Retirement, then you’re right on track for a successful ETS.
If you are 12 months or less, sit down, buckle up, and prepare for this to be your new Primary Objective.
Our Air Force Special Warfare TAP course is designed to assist you in answering the question: “So tell me a little bit about yourself?” Within these resources, you will find genuine people who are devoted to helping make your transition smooth.
Don’t under estimate what is to come in your transition, engage with intentionality and you will succeed!
This is the first step for you to actively make decisions for Yourself.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?
Contact the AFSW TAP Team with any questions, comments, or concerns.